
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets the default sender address for mail sent from eZ Publish.



EmailSender= email_address


The specified e-mail address will be used as the default value in the from field for mail sent from eZ Publish. If this field is left blank the value in AdminEmail is used instead.

Frederik Holljen (06/05/2005 9:59 am)

Frederik Holljen (06/05/2005 10:02 am)


  • SPF / Avoiding that mail are marked as spam

    Note that the email sender should have same domain as the site, or alternatively same domain as SMTP server you set in 'TransportServer' if you use SMTP.
    If this is not done then there is a high risk that the mails are blocked as spam by the receivers email server, and you will not get any warnings / errors about this other then user complaining that they don't get forgot password / registration activation / notification mails.
    Same goes for AdminEmail if you leave this setting to blank.