
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Provides views for managing RSS imports and exports.


This module provides an interface to the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) engine inside the eZ Publish kernel. The views that this module provide are used by the administration interface. These views make it possible to view and mange incoming and outgoing RSS feeds.


edit_export Provides an interface for editing an RSS export.
edit_import Provides an interface for editing an RSS import.
feed Not documented yet.
list Provides an interface for generating an overview of RSS imports and exports.

Balazs Halasy (23/02/2005 10:01 am)

Balazs Halasy (29/04/2005 8:05 am)


  • Some documentation?


    I am about to start a new project which will make heavy use of RSS. Unfortunately, I see that there is no documentation for RSS either here, in Doxygen or in the code. Without at least some skimpy info, I fear I will have to resort to external classes due to time restraints. Is it possible to have at least some usage examples?

    thank you.