
Caution: This documentation is for eZ Publish legacy, from version 3.x to 5.x.



Sets the page to display when the root "/" of your site is accessed.



IndexPage= internal url


Use either a system or a nice URL to specify the index page. System URL's are a bit faster and should be used for the IndexPage setting since the root of your site will be accessed very often.



This example shows the full view of node 2 as the index page of your site.

Frederik HolljenĀ (01/03/2005 9:57 am)

Frederik HolljenĀ (01/03/2005 10:01 am)


  • Nice url


    I tried to use the "nice url" to define the IndexPage, but when trying to access the site I got a "Module not found" error ... How should I do if for example, my node 540 corresponds to the url http://mysite.com/accueil and I want it to be the IndexPage without doing IndexPage=/content/view/full/540 ?

    Thanks for your help,
    • Re: Nice url

      Why can't you just use IndexPage=/content/view/full/540 ? The URL won't show anyways, it's just a way of telling eZ Publish where to find the content to display on the frontpage.
      • Re: Re: Nice url

        I have the same issue and using the system URL is not an option since i cannot predict homepage node's id (i use ezpublish packages system).
    • Re: Nice url

      Right, it fails.
      Did you find any solution tu use nice URLs ?